Saturday, October 4, 2014

letter from August Storm recently translated

A very kind person on the internet was able to decipher one of the written letters from August to Dora (the original is in Andra E's possession, we worked from a scan). We get a glimpse into our direct ancestors personality a bit more. I'm very grateful for this recent update and want to personally thank Katherine O for searching out the translator. I have also privately passed on my gratitude to the translator. The tone of the letter is informative and even a little playful which makes it even unfortunate that August Storm would be dead in a little over a month after writing this:

Rastatt, 19.7. 14.
Dearly beloved! Have received your letter. Thank you very much, I am in good health. I hope the same can be said of you and Rudi. My dear(treasure)! When doing gymnastics I now only have pain in my wrist, nothing too bad, but I can still feel it. Will probably go away eventually, since I don't even notice it when on duty. Dorchen (diminutive of Dora), I messed up my Schützenschnur (badge for good marksmanship), on mother's birthday, of all days. Couldn't help thinking of you all while shooting so I missed two shots. Doesn't matter though, I'm handsome enough without the badge, aren't I? 'Honey' (little mouse), tomorrow we will go for (shooting exercises with the whole company?), on the same march I wrote you about last time. We'll already leave at three in the morning though, because it won't be too hot yet. We haven't had a drop of rain since I wrote to you last week. The people here are all busy reaping the grain, the rye is already more than ripe. How is the crop coming along over there? The new potatoes here are as big as a fist, the fruit are also starting to ripen. My beloved treasure! There are magnificent natural beauties here in the black forest. It is a truly imposing sight to behold the rocks from down below but life-threateningly dangerous if you have to navigate through them on patrol or as reinforcements. ??? negotiable passes, I'm usually either on patrol or cover them from the flanks and have to climb through the canyons in that rough terrain because according to the captain I have good sense of direction. I'll have to close now, otherwise I won't get enough sleep. More about the conditions here next time. Hopefully these words will find you and our little ones in good health. My dearest wishes and eternal love, August. Also greet our parents and siblings.
(The handwriting is strangely different here, maybe a hastely written post scriptum? It's a bit unclear, the meaning is just my guess)
Don't forget me (I) won't forget you either.
'Slogan': only 415 days, then I'll be with you all forever
(I) think I'll be with you again for 14 days in a short while. Another 150 days or 21 weeks.
Please write again soon