Monday, September 28, 2015

Translation of August Storm's birth certificate

"Hi Katherine,
of course I remember! I'm happy to help, this one's fairly short. Your assumption is correct, there's isn't much information beyond that though.

Nr. 3 Sterley, 2nd of February, 1891

In front of the signing registrar presented herself the midwife Mrs. Elisabeth Müthling, née Frank, resident of Sterley and of [blank] religion, and bore witness/testified that one Louise Storm, née Rodau, of lutheran religion, wife of the cobbler Johann Joachim August Storm, of lutheran religion, residing at her husband's apartment in Hollenbeck on the twentyninth of January of the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety one, at six o'clock in the afternoon , was delivered of a child of male gender, who was given the name August Carl Heinrich. Frau Müthling declares that she was present at the baptism of Mrs. Storm. [unclear wether it refers to the baptism of Mrs. Storm or to her child's baptism]

Read, authorized and signed Elisabeth Müthling

The registrar

C. d'Ottilie

The town they resided in is spelled Hollenbek nowadays, it's another small town in the same administrative region as Sterley.

(thank you to online person named 'shamefullout'  for the translation)

August Storm's birth certificate

My daughter Katherine managed to track down - what we believe is August Storm's birth certificate. It is difficult to read for me because it is in the 'old German' script but I'll post more when we find out more. Here it is:

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


According to this - August Storm was born in HollenbeK
(thanks Kathereine O for pointing it out more clearly):

here's a google translation of the link above: